From collard greens to garden bees. The means to the stories untold lie somewhere in human soles. Human soles, rake them over the coals. Blow the smoke. Take a drag, shake them down. Take them down town. A kick upside the head, round house. The winds are gusty, sprinkle some of that Masti. Grow up strong, need that Shakti. There’s more than just Kali and Bali, there’s running rivers and rich traditions. Don’t water it down with White interpretations. It’s not about what’s going to sell. Don’t rebrand it, sand it, and then reprimand the progenitors. The originals. The Icarus. The Prometheus. We’re not beneath you. The oil is simmering, we keep shimmying. Hip hop in this swimming pool. These two truths and go looking for more gold. The world keeps spinning, but the tales are the same. Each story a vile of medicine. Remixed, remastered, sampled, resampled, ripped up, flavored, exported, imported, reported, supported, rejected, built up, torn down. The empires rise and spread, the weight increases, and gravity recommends you surrender to its fundamental force. It says let history take its course. The river was here before you, and it will survive when your bones are dust in the sediment. Don’t get sentimental, nothing is permanent. Yet, it was already meant to be. It was written. It is written. These tales are set up, set out. We feel such things as jealously, rage, envy, and empathy to what other humans have and what we want. We are driven, we are craven. It is our nature. There’s no deviation. Tap into different parts of you.
Expand your world. Look deep inside. There are oceans in there that submerge deeper than the Earth’s core. You only lie waiting on your own shore. Take a glass. Take it in. Pour it in. It moves from vessel to vessel. Reconnected to convey new messages. Packaged and shipped from one mind to another. Ideas that travel and mutate like the rats that live on shipping ships. Try shipping, shipping ships, on separate shipping ships. Space craft, worldcraft, become a master, a wizard, be the creator of your own world. Learn from the greats, learn from the best, and then be the best. Be what the world was waiting for.
You are a story among billions. A human among species. A species among layer limestone. Don’t worry about clones. Haters abound. Violence is there to rob you. It can take. The systems of Colonialism and class are there to keep you in fear and subtle productivity. Rebellion takes risks. Fight the power, and see through the veils. Veils that exist in some amorphous way, way before you were ever born. Star dust that is eroded beach sand comes together to shape your brain. A product of this universe, we build large towers of power.
We pull the levers and gears of this world with thoughts that we think are so clever. In reality, we sever ourselves further from reality, and the illusion becomes even more severely dire. An assassin for hire. Subdue and silence, that violence that claims not to be ignorant. See the truth and be shot down. Be beaten on the street, while your family has no ends to ever meat. Take a seat at the table, it’s important to listen and see the other perspective. While black snakes coil your torso and find its way down your throat, it’s your job to empathize with the predator that is successful in suffocating you. Take the time to listen to the voices that discriminate against you, demean you, smother you, beat you, impoverish you, steal from you, seclude you, disrespect you, enslave you, murder you, rape you, dehumanize you, eradicate you, demonize you. Control you. Take the time away from your own survival under this impending weight. Take the time to listen why this weight needs to come down harder on you. Take the time to understand the perspective on why you require shackles and bars. We need to listen to each other, right?
There is only one real story. It is the story of the power structure that devours its own people first, and then yours. We climb over one another to get to the top, to feed our families, and our egos. Don’t you know the law of the jungle? The strong will do what they will, and the weak must do what they must.
That is. That is until we realize that we are all powerful. That it is our power is that builds these walls and these towers. It’s our power that electrifies the world. It our power that grinds your gears and sharpens your spears. It’s our power. It was never yours. Know that you have it, and know how to use it.
Suffering can be great. The enormous divides, scars, and fractures that keeps us up at night, that runs a chariot race in the finish line of our lobes. The tears are needed. The power is seeded. Destruction is all around us, appears to be winning, and only accelerating. The masses are gathering, but we collectively wonder can we halt the course that we have taken? Can we start again? Can we save what we can, mend the wounds that were inflicted upon us, and see that we are living among other life forms on a living planet?
With our longs lives, and patches of green, is there any way to remind us of the things that have been stripped from us, severed, killed, and blocked out from us. Disjointed and decimated in warfare, markets, and industry. Can we build a world that inhabits everyone?